Thursday, March 17, 2011

ok i lied. one more post. because not too many people read this and because no one likes a bitchy person on facebook, i'm just going to put 3 questions that i am sick of being asked. and i can do this because i'm pregnant. if you've asked me these questions, don't feel bad (well, do but only for like a minute). if you haven't asked them, don't. i'm also putting how i would like to respond to people instead of being polite.

1. "have you thought about adoption?" have you thought about what would happen if i punched you in the face? just kidding, but really since i'm almost 31 and have a college degree and have lived in another country, i think i can do a better job than those girls on "teen mom". in other words, i'm keeping MY baby, so shut up.

2. "why didn't you use birth control?" really? are you really asking me that? because the answer to that question will accomplish so much.

3. "are you sure, maybe in some subconscious part of your brain, you didn't sort of want to be pregnant?" and then this is when i have to decide between breaking their arm or poking out their eyes.

so anyway, the moral of the story is think before you ask a pregnant woman stupid questions.


  1. Ahhh! Seriously? People really asked you that stuff? I'm sorry you've had to deal with that.

    I pray you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy in peace! And in complete freedom to eat whatever you want...oh how I miss that excuse! Ha!

    My kids have brought so much JOY to my life...I'm really excited for you, Kinsey. You are going to be so awesome...people have no idea.

  2. yeah...somehow people lose any sort of filter they once had (if ever they had one) when they encounter pregnant women. i started showing pretty early with ezra and one woman asked me laughingly if i was carrying twins...i was only 15 weeks along! even if i were huge out to montana, you just don't ask that question! c'mon! there's a lot of dumbness out there. sorry...

  3. I sit here scratching my itchy, swollen ankles and reading your post incredulously. I just cannot believe people would have the audacity to ask you those things. Even if they're thinking them, doesn't anyone keep thoughts to themselves anymore?
    Here's a question I'm VERY sick of hearing:
    "Don't you know how that works?"
    Yes. I happen to know very well, and I'm quite pleased with my knowledge, thank you.

  4. Arm breakage. Clearly that's the right answer. Hurts for longer. unless you're talking about poking the eyes full out of the head, Oedipus-style. Then that's the better option.

    Seriously, the second two questions are just awful.

  5. I agree with all who have commented before me...seriously, the nerve!! RUDE!!! I also agree with Dave; either breaking of the arms or poking out of the eyes, Oedipus-style.
    Lots of loves and hugs, my friend. And enjoy being pregnant. I say this knowing full well that I have close friends who had pretty terrible pregnancies and that not every one is joyful or wonderful. But most of mine was and I think the quiet, exciting anticipation was what I loved the most. That and using my belly as a you so much! :)
